Optional Tour Garden Information
Sunday Optional tour garden information and directions will be available at the registration desk.

Since Jessee and Kay Dye moved into their Mapleton home in 2014, Kay finds that the favorite plants she brought with her are making room for new favorites. Plants that were unable to grow at her previous garden are thriving at the new location. There are now sun pollinator plants, a vegetable area, rhododendrons, unusual ferns, lilies including liliums, Martagons and daylilies, and more new hostas. The Japanese maples are growing, as are the population of ferns and hydrangeas. Kay searches for unique companion plants that do well with hostas, too. Kay hopes you’ll stop by.
Ella and Dave Maxwell have been developing their gardens on their south Main Street property for 23 years. The property is large—3 acres and, had very little landscaping to begin with, but lots of trees and potential. It is an excellent shade garden. Creating began with plants we brought from our old house.
Closer to the house are more manicured gardens while the outlying areas are more wild looking. They like to think of their garden islands of landscaping as “rooms”. Some of these rooms are quite large and some quite small. They all have paths connecting them.
Working at Hoerr Nursery fueled Ella’s passion to collect plants, giving her easy access to everything she needed in the way of plants and materials. They have a large collection hosta, hellebores, epimediums, and other shade plants. Vegetable gardens, garden shed, sun gardens, specimen trees, and a large patio and water garden all compliment the property.
“Gardening goes on forever, and the garden is never truly finished.”