Donate & Participate!
The annual AHS auction is a highlight of the national convention! Donations are auctioned to raise funds used to support the printing of the prestigious society publication, The Hosta Journal.
Plan now to donate well-loved or unusual hostas for bidding and see just how high they will go! The Auction is also open to the public.
The proceeds from the auction will be shared equally between The American Hosta Society and the Midwest Regional Hosta Society, as both are financial backers of the 2025 Convention.
To the best of their knowledge, donors should only donate healthy, pest-free, and disease-free plants. Winning bidders are encouraged to remove and properly dispose of the growing medium to prevent the spread of undesirable pests.
Auction Schedule
Thursday, June 19
1:00 – 4:00 pm Donations received — Salon AB
Friday, June 20
9:00 – 11:00 am Donations received — Salon AB
12:00 – 1:00 pm Preview Auction Plants — Salon AB
6:30 – 7:30 pm Preview Auction Plants — Salon AB
Beginning at 8:00 pm AHS/MRHS Auction — Salon AB